Awaken Desires with French Eloquence

Awaken Desires with French Eloquence

Christopher Lv12

Awaken Desires with French Eloquence

What could be a more suitable way to enchant your crush than by using pick up lines in French? Take it from Emily in Paris: French is simply irresistible. After all, it’s not dubbed the language of love without reason. With its iconic R and alluring tones, the French language fits perfectly into the art of seduction and pick up lines. So, if you find yourself drawn to a French_mademoiselle_ or_monsieur_ , fear not! Our curated collection of French pick up lines is here to elevate your flirting game to new heights.

Funny Pick Up Lines in French

  • Tu as une idée du courage qu’il faut pour venir te parler ? (“Do you have any idea of the courage needed to talk to you?”)
  • Il y a tellement de soleil dans tes yeux que je bronze quand tu me regardes. ( “There is so much sun in your eyes that I get a tan when you look at me.”)
  • Tu t’appelles Google ? Parce que je trouve en toi tout ce que je recherche. (“Is your name Google? Because I find in you everything that I’m looking for.”)
  • J’ai un problème avec mon portable, il manque ton numéro ! (“I have a problem with my cell phone, it’s missing your number!”)
  • Je pense que tu t’appelles Wi-Fi, car je ressens une forte connexion entre toi et moi. (“I think your name is Wi-Fi, because I feel a strong connection between you and me.”)
  • Es-tu un appareil photo ? Parce que chaque fois que je te regarde, je souris. (“Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.”)
  • Si j’étais un chat, je passerais toutes mes vies avec toi. (“If I were a cat, I’d spend all my lives with you.”)
  • Si j’étais un zombie, je te mangerai en dernier. (“If I were a zombie, I’d eat you last.”)
  • Si tu étais un virus informatique, tu serais l’exception qui crasherait mon système de défense. (“If you were a computer virus, you’d be the exception that crashes my defense system.”)
  • Es-tu un détective privé ? Parce que tu as résolu le mystère de mon cœur solitaire. (“Are you a private detective? Because you’ve solved the mystery of my lonely heart.”)

Like slang , pick up lines might seem obsolete or unnecessary when learning a new language; however, this is not the case. They are like the inside jokes of the language you are trying to learn—in this case, French. Not only will mastering French pick up lines be enjoyable, but you will also acquire new French words along the way. It’s a win-win situation.

Cheesy Pick Up Lines in French

  • Je fais un reportage sur les belles choses de la vie, ça te plairait d’être interviewé(e) ? (“I’m doing a report on beautiful things of life, would you mind being interviewed?”)
  • La seule chose que je voudrais changer chez toi est ton nom de famille. (“The only thing I’d like to change about you is your surname.”)
  • À part être sexy et me rendre timide, tu fais quoi dans la vie ? (“Apart from being sexy and making me shy, what do you do for a living?”)
  • Eh bien, me voici enfin! Quels sont tes deux autres souhaits ? (“Alright, here I am. What are you two other wishes?”)
  • Est-ce que tu peux me conduire chez le docteur ? Je viens juste de me casser la jambe en tombant pour toi. (“Can you take me to the doctor? I just broke my leg falling for you.”)
  • Nous ne sommes pas des chaussettes, mais je pense que nous ferions une belle paire ! (“We are not socks, but I think we would make a great pair!”)
  • On m’a dit que le baiser est la langue des coeurs. Voudrais-tu parler avec moi ? (“I’ve heard that kissing is the language of love. Would you like to have a conversation with me?”)
  • Est-ce que tu as un nom ou puis-je t’appeler mon amour ? (“Do you have a name, or can I call you my love?”)
  • Tu fais fondre mon cœur comme un morceau de chocolat au soleil. (“You melt my heart like a piece of chocolate in the sun.”)
  • Es-tu un billet de loterie ? Parce que te rencontrer, c’est comme gagner le jackpot. (“Are you a lottery ticket? Because meeting you is like winning the jackpot.”)

Like with any language, it’s important not to overdo it with French pick up lines. The secret lies in delivering them with a tongue-in-cheek approach, ensuring the person you’re engaging with won’t be offended. Ideally, you’re aiming for a smile or even a laugh!

Long story short: don’t take yourself too seriously when delivering a pick up line—even if it’s in French and intended to be super romantic.

Smooth French Pick Up Lines

  • J’ai pas l’habitude d’aborder des inconnus mais ton sourire m’a invité à venir te parler. ( “I’m not used to approaching strangers but your smile invited me to talk to you.”)
  • Tu t’appelles Google ? Parce que je trouve en toi tout ce que je recherche. (“Is your name Google? Cause I find everything I’m looking for in you.”)
  • Est-ce que tu crois au coup de foudre ? Parce que s’il le faut, je repasserais une deuxième fois devant toi. (“Do you believe in love at first sight? Because if I have to, I’ll walk past you a second time.”)
  • Je ne suis pas photographe, mais je peux déjà nous imaginer ensemble. (“I’m not a photographer, but I can picture us together.”)
  • J’aimerais être une goutte de sang pour mieux connaître ton coeur. (“I would like to be a drop of blood so I could better know your heart.”)
  • Es-tu un(e) magicien(ne) ? Parce que chaque fois que je regarde vers toi, tout le monde disparaît. (“Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.”)
  • Es-tu un(e) architecte ? Parce que tu viens de construire un pont vers mon cœur. (“Are you an architect? Because you just built a bridge to my heart.”)
  • Si j’étais un peintre, tu serais ma couleur préférée. (“If I were a painter, you’d be my favorite color.”)
  • Si j’étais un super-héros, j’aimerais que mon super pouvoir soit celui de vous faire sourire. (“If I were a superhero, I’d like my superpower to be to make you smile.”)
  • Es-tu un chef d’orchestre ? Parce que mon cœur bat au rythme de ta baguette. (“Are you a conductor? Because my heart beats in time with your baton.”)

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Pick Up Lines to Use on Guys in France

  • Est-ce que tu es parisien ? Parce que tu as rendu mon cœur aussi lumineux que la Ville Lumière. (“Are you Parisian? Because you’ve made my heart as bright as the City of Light.”)
  • Si j’étais du fromage, voudrais-tu être mon vin ? Parce qu’ensemble, nous serions parfaits. (“If I were cheese, would you be my wine? Because together, we’d be perfect.”)
  • Tu es plus séduisant que le coucher du soleil sur la Côte d’Azur. (“You’re more captivating than the sunset on the Côte d’Azur.”)
  • Es-tu de Bordeaux ? Parce que tu vieillis bien. (“Are you from Bordeaux? Because you age well.”)
  • Si tu étais un film, tu serais un classique du cinéma français: intemporel et captivant. (“If you were a movie, you’d be a classic French cinema film: timeless and captivating.”)
  • Est-ce que tu es un chef ? Parce que tu viens de faire fondre mon cœur avec ton sourire étoilé. (“Are you a chef? Because you just melted my heart with your Michelin-star smile.”)
  • Tu es le beurre de ma baguette. (“You are the butter to my baguette.”)
  • Si je t’aide à apprendre l’anglais, est-ce que tu m’apprendras comment embrasser à la française ? (“If I teach you English, will you teach me how to French kiss?”)
  • Est-ce que tu as un jumeau ? Non ? Alors tu es vraiment unique. (“Do you have a twin? No? Then you truly are one of a kind.”)

If you’re aiming to flirt with a French man or simply someone who speaks French, context is everything. Before delivering your pick up line in French, take a moment to assess the situation. Is it the right moment for an icebreaker? What do you know about this person? If you notice something relevant that catches your eye, don’t hesitate to tailor one of the previously mentioned pick-up lines to make it more personal.

For instance, if you spotted a Formula 1-themed keychain or caught a bit of their conversation about a favorite action movie, use that information to your advantage.

Best Pick Up Lines for Girls in France

  • Tu dois être un chef-d’œuvre, parce que chaque fois que je te vois, je me sens au Louvre. (“You must be a masterpiece, because every time I see you, I feel like I’m in the Louvre.”)
  • Es-tu un artiste ? Parce que quand je te regarde, je me sens comme si j’étais dans un musée d’art français. (“Are you an artist? Because when I look at you, I feel like I’m in a French art museum.”)
  • Si tu étais un vin, je passerai toute ma vie à te déguster. (“If you were a wine, I’d spend my whole life savoring you.”)
  • Es-tu la Seine ? Parce que je me sens emporté par ton courant. (“Are you the Seine? Because I find myself swept away by your current.”)
  • Excusez-moi madame mais vous êtes absolument charmante. (“Excuse me, miss, but you are absolutely charming.”)
  • Hey, Mademoiselle, t’es jolie comme la Tour Eiffel ! (“Hey miss, you’re as beautiful as the Eiffel Tower!”)
  • Salut, je t’ai vu là et je voulais venir te dire que j’adore ton regard. (“Hey, I saw you and I wanted to come tell you that I love your eyes.”)
  • Mes amis ont parié que je ne parlerais pas à la plus jolie fille du bar. Je peux vous offrir un verre avec leur argent ? (“My friends bet me I wouldn’t talk to the prettiest girl in the bar. Can I buy you a drink with their money?”)
  • Ton charme est plus fort que le vin de Bordeaux et plus doux que les macarons de Ladurée. (“Your charm is stronger than Bordeaux wine and sweeter than Ladurée macarons.”)
  • Comme un tableau de Monet, ton sourire éclaire mes jours les plus sombres. (“Like a Monet painting, your smile brightens my darkest days.”)

For women, the same rules apply. Delivering your French pick-up line too zealously may backfire. Instead of breaking the ice, it might make you come across as overbearing. That’s the last thing we want! Ensure you smile and clearly convey that your French pick-up line is meant as a lighthearted joke and an icebreaker.

In conclusion, pick up lines in French offer a unique charm and effectiveness in flirting, especially when you’re drawn to someone who appreciates the language of love. The key to success lies in their playful delivery and the personal touch you bring. Remember, the true art of using these lines is to spark joy and intrigue, creating memorable moments that resonate with the spirit of French allure. With a balanced approach and a light-hearted attitude, you’re set to make an impression that’s as captivating as the French language itself.

Learn French for the one you love

Did you use one of these pick up lines in French and successfully broke the ice? Nice job. Or maybe you just want to learn more? Get Mondly now and enrich your French flirting vocabulary with a dedicated category on “Romance”.

After finishing this category, you’ll be able to talk about relationships, invite somebody out and ask questions about other people’s hobbies.

If things get serious, you can further use Mondly to break the communication barrier and learn French for the one you love. It’s super fun, easy and effective. You’ll speak fluently in no time.

Start using Mondly for free on your computer or download the app and learn French anytime, anywhere.

  • Title: Awaken Desires with French Eloquence
  • Author: Christopher
  • Created at : 2024-07-12 07:57:37
  • Updated at : 2024-07-13 07:57:37
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.