153+ Useful Russian Words & Phrases for Safe Travels

153+ Useful Russian Words & Phrases for Safe Travels

Christopher Lv12

153+ Useful Russian Words & Phrases for Safe Travels

Russia is a magical land where contrasts meet. This amazing country gave us Tchaikovsky and his timeless music, but it also gave us the funniest YouTube videos. So if you are a truly passionate traveler, you should not miss it. Its unique history and culture await to be explored on the scene. Besides, there are a lot of tourist attractions in Russia that everyone must visit at least once in their lives. The Kremlin, Hermitage Museum, Lake Baikal, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Bolshoi Theatre, and Mount Elbrus are just a few of them. And since FIFA World Cup 2018 is happening in Russia, as I write, I figured you could use some basic Russian phrases if you decide to kill two birds with one stone and visit Russia while you are attending the World Cup. Just bookmark this article.

basic russian phrases scaled

Photo by Tom Grimbert

Quick travel tip: It’s important to learn Russian before traveling to Russia because the locals don’t always speak English. Basic Russian might save you if you need help. Identify the best way to learn Russian that works for you – there are a lot of language learning apps available – and start learning a few weeks in advance . It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Bonus: Check out the end of this article for some Russian football phrases for this World Cup.

  1. Greetings and other useful Russian words
  2. Useful Russian phrases for when you are at the airport
  3. Common Russian phrases for travelers who need help
  4. Advanced Russian phrases for different hotel situations
  5. Learn Russian to experience the local cuisine
  6. Russian for travelers who want to have fun
  7. Basic Russian phrases for shopping sprees
  8. Russia Travel Guide – how to say that you have fallen in love?
  9. Bonus basic Russian phrases for FIFA World Cup 2018

1. Greetings and other useful Russian words

Manners are a must. In every situation. At home, in the park or in another country. It doesn’t matter where you are. If you are traveling to a foreign country, start learning the basics first. Greetings, apologies and, thanks will always help you the most. If you were wondering how to say_good afternoon_ in Russian or what is the meaning of da, here it is:

  • Good morning! –Доброе утро! – Dobroye utro!
  • Good afternoon! –Добрый день! – Dobryy den!
  • Good evening! –Добрый вечер! – Dobryy vecher!
  • Good night! –спокойной ночи! – Spokoynoy nochi!
  • Hello! – Здравствуйте! –Zdravstvuyte!
  • How are you? –Как дела? – Kak dela?
  • Very good. Thank you –Хорошо. Спасибо. – Horosho. Spasibo.
  • What is your name? –Как тебя зовут? – Kak tebya zovut?
  • My name is Mondly. –Меня зовут Мандли. – Menya zovut Mandli.
  • Nice to meet you. –Рада познакомиться. – Radа poznakomitsya.

english to russian

Photo by Pablo Gentile

  • Please. –Пожалуйста. – Pozhaluysta.
  • Thank you. –Спасибо. – Spasibo.
  • I’m sorry. –Прошу прощения. – Proshu proshcheniya.
  • You’re welcome. –Не за что. – Ne za chto.
  • Excuse me. –Извините. – Izvinite.
  • No problem. –Без проблем. – Bez problem.
  • Do you speak _____? –Вы говорите по-_____? – Vy govorite po-_____?
  • Do you have _____? –У вас есть _____? – U vas yest _____?
  • I have –Я имею – Ya imeyu
  • Speak slowly. –Говорите помедленнее. – Govorite pomedlenneye.
  • I don’t understand. Please repeat. – Не понимаю. Повторите пожалуйста. – Ne ponimayu. Povtorite pozhaluysta.
  • Where are you from? –Откуда ты? – Otkuda ty?
  • Have a good day. –Ну тогда до свидания. – Nu togda do svidaniya.

2. Useful Russian phrases for when you are at the airport

Arriving at the airport – both at the beginning and at the end of your journey – will also require some basic Russian phrases. Whether we are talking about small talk with the person sitting next to you on the airplane, passport verification or asking for directions, these Russian phrases will definitely have your back in any situation.

  • Your passports, please. –Ваши паспорта, пожалуйста. – Vashy pasporta, pozhaluysta.
  • Here you are. –Вот, пожалуйста. – Vot, pozhaluysta.
  • We are traveling together. –Мы путешествуем вместе. – My puteshestvuyem vmeste.
  • I’m traveling with a child. –Я путешествую с ребёнком. – Ya puteshestvuyu s rebyonkom.

useful russian phrases scaled

Photo by Tom Barrett

  • Is the flight delayed? –Рейс откладывается? – Reys otkladyvayetsya?
  • Is the flight cancelled? –Рейс отменили? – Reys otmenili?
  • When is the next flight to Rome? – Когда вылетает следующий самолёт в Рим? – Kogda vyletayet sleduyushchiy samolyot v Rim?
  • We need help boarding the plane. – Вы не могли бы помочь нам при посадке? – Vy ne mogli by pomoch nam pri posadke?
  • Is this seat taken? –Это место свободно? – Eto mesto svobodno?
  • I would like to change my seat. –Я хотел бы пересесть. – Ya hotel by peresest.

3. Common Russian phrases for travelers who need help

How do you say_where is The Red Square_ in Russian? How do you say_can you help me_ in Russian? How do you say_where is a pharmacy_ in Russian? – these are all valid questions that pop up in the traveler’s mind and by the time the plane lands, you should know the correct answer to them.
Use the basic Russian words and phrases mentioned in the first bullet point and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. Locals are usually extremely nice to foreigners.

  • Can you help me? –Могли бы вы мне помочь? – Mogli by vy mne pomoch?
  • Could you help me, please? –Вы не могли бы мне помочь? – Vy ne mogli by mne pomoch?
  • Can you help us? –Могли бы вы нам помочь? – Mogli by vy nam pomoch?
  • Where is _____? –Где _____? – Gde _____?
  • Where is the airport, please? – Скажите пожалуйста, где аэропорт? – Skazhyte pozhaluysta, gde aeroport?
  • Where is the tourist information office? – Где информационный центр для туристов? – Gde informatsionnyy tsentr dlya turistov?
  • Where is a taxi stand? –Где стоянка такси? – Gde stoyanka taksi?
  • Where can I find a taxi? –Где можно взять такси? – Gde mozhno vzyat taksi?
  • Where is the toilet? –Где туалет? – Gde tualet?
  • Where is the bus station, please? – Скажите пожалуйста, где автобусная остановка? – Skazhyte pozhaluysta, gde avtobusnaya ostanovka?

learn russian

Photo by A.L.

  • Where can I buy tickets? –Где здесь можно купить билеты? – Gde zdes mozhno kupit bilety?
  • Where is a pharmacy? –Где аптека? – Gde apteka?
  • Where is a supermarket? –Где здесь супермаркет? – Gde zdes supermarket?
  • Where is a good restaurant? –Где хороший ресторан? – Gde horoshyy restoran?
  • Is there a vegetarian restaurant nearby? – Здесь есть поблизости вегетарианский ресторан? – Zdes yest poblizosti vegetarianskiy restoran?
  • Where is a bank, please? –Скажите пожалуйста, где банк? – Skazhyte pozhaluysta, gde bank?
  • Please stop here. –Остановитесь, пожалуйста, здесь. – Ostanovites, pozhaluysta, zdes.
  • Please wait a moment. – Пожалуйста, подождите чуть-чуть. – Pozhaluysta, podozhdite chut-chut.
  • I’ll be back immediately. –Я скоро вернусь. – Ya skoro vernus.
  • Drive me to this address. –Отвезите меня по этому адресу. – Otvezite menya po etomu adresu .

4. Advanced Russian phrases for different hotel situations

Staying at a hotel/hostel requires interaction with the staff – most of the time. If you don’t want to waste your time searching English to Russian translations on Google, make sure to learn some basic Russian that will help you to better express your needs.

  • I have booked a room. –Я забронировал номер. – Ya zabroniroval nomer.
  • The key for room _____, please. – Дайте мне, пожалуйста, ключ от номера _____. – Dayte mne, pozhaluysta, klyuch ot nomera _____.
  • This room is too noisy. –В номере очень шумно. – V nomere ochen shumno.
  • Do you have a firmer mattress? –У вас есть матрас потвёрже? – U vas yest matras potvyorzhe?
  • When is check-out time? – До которого часа нужно освободить номер? – Do kotorogo chasa nuzhno osvobodit nomer?
  • Thank you for your help. –Спасибо большое. – Spasibo bolshoye.
  • How was your stay with us? –Надеюсь, вы были всем довольны? – Nadeyus, vy byli vsem dovolny?
  • Very pleasant, thank you. –Всё было замечательно, спасибо. – Vsyo bylo zamechatelno, spasibo.
  • Here is your bill, please look it over. – Вот ваш счёт, проверьте пожалуйста. – Vot vash schot, proverte pozhaluysta.

5. Learn Russian to experience the local cuisine

Local cuisine is one of the best parts of a vacation. The experience is not whole if you don’t try at least one traditional meal. Something sweet or something salty? What is it going to be? No worries. Russian cuisine is diverse. You’ll have a great variety of dishes to choose from.

  • I have a reservation. My name is _____. – Я бронировал столик. Меня зовут _____. – Ya broniroval stolik. Menya zovut _____.
  • I would like to cancel my reservation. – Я хотел бы аннулировать мою бронь. – Ya hotel by annulirovat moyu bron.
  • I would like to change my reservation. –Я хотел бы изменить мою бронь. – Ya hotel by izmenit moyu bron.
  • We are ready to order. –Мы хотим заказать. – My hotim zakazat.
  • What would you like to drink? – Что будете пить? – Chto budete pit?
  • What would you recommend? –Что вы можете посоветовать? – Chto vy mozhete posovetovat?
  • We would like two glasses of wine. –Два бокала вина. – Dva bokala vina.



Photo by Max Delsid

  • My wife would like a bowl of soup. –Моей жене – суп. – Moyey zhene – sup.
  • I’d like something without meat. –Я хотел бы что-нибудь без мяса. – Ya hotel by chto-nibud bez myasa.
  • Some salt and pepper also, please. – И ещё соль и перец, пожалуйста. – I yeshcho sol i perets, pozhaluysta.
  • I would like a tea with lemon. –Я хотел бы чай с лимоном. – Ya hotel by chay s limonom.
  • No sugar. –Без сахара. – Bez sahara.
  • I’d like a mineral water. –Я хотел бы минеральной воды. – Ya hotel by mineralnoy vody.
  • I’d like an orange juice. –Я хотел бы апельсинового сока. – Ya hotel by apelsinovogo soka.
  • I would like a coffee. –Я хотел бы кофе. – Ya hotel by kofe.
  • I would like a salad. –Я хотел бы салат. Ya hotel by salat.
  • I would like a soup. –Я хотел бы суп. Ya hotel by sup.


Photo by Henrique Félix

  • I would like a dessert. –Я хотел бы десерт. Ya hotel by desert.
  • We would like to have breakfast. –Мы хотели бы позавтракать. – My hoteli by pozavtrakat.
  • We would like to have lunch. –Мы хотели бы пообедать. – My hoteli by poobedat.
  • We would like to have dinner. –Мы хотели бы поужинать. – My hoteli by pouzhynat.
  • What would you like for breakfast? –Что бы вы хотели на завтрак? – Chto by vy hoteli na zavtrak?

6. Russian for travelers who want to have fun

Probably the most important phrases – for some of us – are those related to fun. What’s the point in going to Russia if you don’t go out and try the famous vodka with the locals? The legend says the vodka is so good that your brain will start translating English to Russian without even learning Russian in advance.

Just joking. Still is an amazing drink, though!

  • Is there a pub here? –Здесь есть бар? – Zdes yest bar?
  • There’s a free rock concert in the park. – В парке будет рок-концерт, и вход бесплатный. – V parke budet rok-kontsert, i vhod besplatnyy.
  • Would you like to dance? –Потанцуем? – Potantsuyem?
  • Are tickets for the theatre still available? –Билеты в театр ещё есть? – Bilety v teatr yeshcho yest?


Photo by Edwin Andrade

  • Are tickets for the cinema still available? –Билеты в кино ещё есть? – Bilety v kino yeshcho yest?
  • Are tickets for the football game still available? –Билеты на футбол ещё есть? – Bilety na futbol yeshcho yest?
  • Can you get me a ticket? –Вы можете достать мне билет? – Vy mozhete dostat mne bilet?
  • How much are the admission tickets? –Сколько стоят входные билеты? – Skolko stoyat vhodnyye bilety?
  • How much does a ticket cost, please? – Скажите пожалуйста, сколько стоит билет? – Skazhyte pozhaluysta, skolko stoit bilet?
  • One ticket, please. –Один билет, пожалуйста. – Odin bilet, pozhaluysta.
  • Let’s have some fun. –Повеселимся! – Poveselimsya!
  • Are there seats available? –Ещё остались свободные места? – Yeshcho ostalis svobodnyye mesta?

7. Basic Russian phrases for shopping sprees

This is the cruelest drudgery our loved ones from home put us through while on holiday. Should I buy a matryoshka doll? Or some vodka? Maybe a refrigerator magnet? But when? What if I don’t buy anything? Will they hate me for life? Funny or not, these are all questions that haunt us while on holiday. The best solution? Schedule two hours tops and just get it over with. The same way you would do with a bandage.

  • How much does it cost? –Сколько это стоит? – Skolko eto stoit?
  • I would like _____. –Я хотел бы _____. – Ya hotel by _____.


Photo by Alina Grubnyak

  • How much are they? –Сколько они стоят? – Skolko oni stoyat?
  • Can I have a receipt? –Дайте мне, пожалуйста, чек. – Dayte mne, pozhaluysta, chek.
  • What would you like? –Что вы предпочитаете? – Chto vy predpochitayete?
  • Can I have some ice cream? –Можно мне мороженого? – Mozhno mne morozhenogo?

8. Russia Travel Guide – how to say that you have fallen in love?

If you learn how to master these next phrases, you will definitely be getting your travel vocabulary to the next level.
Love is inevitable. What if Prince Charming isn’t stuck in a tree somewhere? What if he’s in Russia? What if you travel to Russia and discover your other half there? Learn some basic Russian and be prepared when the time comes. Once again, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

  • Let’s go dancing. –Давайте пойдём потанцуем. – Davayte poydyom potantsuyem.
  • Let’s go to a night-club. –Давайте пойдём в ночной клуб. – Davayte poydyom v nochnoy klub.
  • I’d like to see you again. – Хотелось бы встретиться с тобой ещё. – Hotelos by vstretitsya s toboy yeshcho.
  • I’d like that very much. –Я буду очень рада. – Ya budu ochen rada.
  • You are very beautiful. –Ты очень красивая. – Ty ochen krasivaya.
  • You are very handsome. –Ты очень красивый. – Ty ochen krasivyy.
  • May I kiss you? –Можно тебя поцеловать? – Mozhno tebya potselovat?



Photo by Greg Rakozy

  • May I hold your hand? –Можно взять тебя за руку? – Mozhno vzyat tebya za ruku?
  • I like you a lot. –Ты мне очень нравишься. – Ty mne ochen nravishsya.
  • Are you single? –У тебя кто-нибудь есть? – U tebya kto-nibud yest?
  • I’m married. –Я женат. – Ya zhenat.
  • I’m not interested. –Мне это неинтересно. – Mne eto neinteresno.
  • Would you like to go out this evening? – Сходим сегодня вечером куда-нибудь? – Shodim segodnya vecherom kuda-nibud?
  • Would you like to have dinner with me? –Поужинаем вместе? – Pouzhynayem vmeste?
  • I love you. – Я люблю тебя. –Ya lyublyu tebya.

Bonus: Basic Russian phrases for football lovers



Photo by Fauzan Saari

  • Do you watch football? –Ты смотришь футбол? – Ty smotrish futbol?

  • We watch football. –Мы смотрим футбол. – My smotrim futbol.

  • Where is the football field? –Где футбольная площадка? – Gde futbolnaya ploshchadka?

  • How do I get to the football stadium? – Как мне попасть на футбольный стадион? – Kak mne popast na futbolnyy stadion?

  • How much is the entrance fee? –Сколько стоит вход? – Skolko stoit vhod?

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  • Title: 153+ Useful Russian Words & Phrases for Safe Travels
  • Author: Christopher
  • Created at : 2024-09-18 18:35:34
  • Updated at : 2024-09-21 17:45:24
  • Link: https://mondly-stories.techidaily.com/153plus-useful-russian-words-and-phrases-for-safe-travels/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.